The Simpsons

The Simpsons is one of the best shows i've seen in a while.
Some of my favorite characters from the show are Homer, Bart, Apu,
Moe, Barney, Crusty the Clown, Itchy, Scratchy, Grampa Abe Simpson,
Chief Wigum, Grounds Keeper Willy, Side Show Bob, and Nelson.
A special thanks to Matt Groening and his team for creating the Simpsons.
The Simpsons have been running for over a deckade.

Character Info

Homer J. Simpson

Homer is the father of 3 children and married to Marge. Marge loves to clean
and she is a bitt paranioed. His son Bart is a mischievous 10 year old.
He has two daughters named Lisa and Magie. Lisa is an intellectual and
Magie is a baby. Homer is a lovable oaf. He manages to screws up everything,
however he means well. Homer spends most of his time at Moes Tavern.In one
episode Homer has a flash back from when he put a whole pack of crayons up
his nose and then blows them all out of his nose. However one crayon did not
come out. Because of this he became an oaf & he did not find out until recently.
He had it removed and became a great intellect just like his daughter Lisa.
Homer's life was going great for a bit,then he felt uneaccepted becuase of his
intelligence. He had Moe insert a crayon into his brain to be at the same leval
of intelligence as before. This episod was an example of Homer's stupidity.

Bart Simpson

Bart is one of the characters that makes the Simpsons so funny. He is always
getting into trouble everywhere he goes. Bart loves to pull pranks on principale
Semore Skinner, grounds keeper Willy, and Moe. Bart puts graffity on his scool
to make fun of Skinner, skatters Willy's pile of leaves, and prank calls Moe's tavern.
Bart is whitty & he likes to skateboard. Bart is one of my favorite characters on
the Simpsons. The worst thing he has done is cut off the statue of springfield's founder.

Moe Sizlack

Moe owns his own bar in downtown springfield. Moe bring the show to life. His bar
attracts all kinds of characters in springfield. Moe always has trouble with the ladies.
Moe often uses his shotgun to threaten druks and unwanted guessts. He threatens
an anonimus prank call throughout the show constantly. Moe dose not know that Homer's
son Bart is the culpret.

Favorite Episodes

Creators Of The Show

  1. Mat Groening
  2. James l. Brooks
  3. Al Jean
  4. ect.
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